
Renzo Regio
4 min readJan 24, 2021

Day 32: Treehouse Full Stack JavaScript Techdegree

Today I learned about Fetch, Async/Await and Error Handling with Try and Catch

Using Fetch

ES2015 introduced a more elegant and friendlier data fetching inteface that’s native to the browser called Fetch API

Fetch uses JavaScript promises to let you handle the results returned from the server

The fetch method itself returns a promise

Also containing a response object — information about the response like the status code and the corresponding status message

In order to access and use the data from fetch() we need to parse it to JSON first

To make the fetch request:

  1. fetch(‘api.com’) takes on one mandatory argument — the path to the resource you want to fetch

What does the fetch() method return? A promise that resolves into a response object

Promsie.all() joins multiple individual promises into a single returned promise when all the promises resolve

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  • To further simplify how you work with promises

The word async defines an asynchronous function

Inside the async function you use the await keyword to wait for a promise

async function fetchData(url) {

const response = await fetch(url) // fetch method returns a promise, by placing await infront of fetch — the function is waiting for a resolved promise returned by fetch, once resolved, the fulfilled value returned by fetch is assigned to the variable response

Const data = await response.json() // this task is also asynchronous and returns a promise

Return data



  • Pauses the execution of an async function and waits for the resolution of a promise then places the resolution value to the variable
  • Resumes execution and returns the resolved value
  • Pausing execution is not going to cause blocking behavior
  • Valid only inside functions marked async
  • No then methods are used because async-await lets you write asynchronous promise based code that looks like synchronous code


  • That promise is resolves with the value returned with the async function, or rejects it with an error thrown from within a function
  • To access the data, we have to chain the then method onto the function call

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Convert promise handling to async/await

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Combining async await with promises

An async function always returns a promise regardless if you add await or not

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Error handling with try and catch

Currently our async/await functions and promise sequence do not handle exceptions and rejected promises

  • Best to call catch on the rejected promise — if we don’t, the function might silently fail — like this, adding a catch on every single fetch or promise
  • This will catch a rejected promise returned by the fetch call
  • And we could do this with the next fetch method but it is starting to be repetitive
  • We can catch all exceptions in one place by writing a separate async function that handles the fetching and parsing of data
  • We can do a try catch error: the most common way to handle exceptions when using async await

Try {

All the code that needs to be executed

} catch (error){

Any code inside catch will be executed if an exception is thrown in the try block

When an error occurs, catch gets an error object containing the details about the


We can use the throw statement to rethrow an exception after its caught by catch

throw error


What is the benefit of using async/await? You write asynchronous code in a way that resembles synchronous code

Async/await is syntactic sugar for creating functions that return and wait for promises — it’s a supplement to promises

