The start of my programming journey

Renzo Regio
2 min readNov 5, 2020


Today is: November 4, 2020
Currently working on: Airbnb Clone Project — Using Python, Django, Tailwind, HTML and CSS (Day 3)

This is my first official entry. I have previously worked on a project cloning KakaoTalk (Social Media Application) using only HTML and CSS as an introduction to learning the different programming languages. After that, I have taken up a couple of beginner courses on Python and Javascript. In the Python course that I took, I learned the different fundamentals of Python. Consequently, upon completion of the course, I was able to achieve the skill of creating a web scraper by web scraping jobs from different websites; the jobs that were retrieved would depend on what the user is looking for. I made use of a couple of packages such as Flask, BS4, and CSV; also a little HTML and CSS for the front-end. Basically, the user would input the kind of programming job he/she is looking for (whichever language it may be - Python Jobs, Ruby Jobs, ReactJS jobs, etc.). After entering which type of job the user would like to look for, the web scraper will do all the magic and retrieve all jobs containing the title of “Python” or whichever programming job the user is looking for. After scraping from the different websites, the user has the option of saving the information on his/her computer as a CSV. I have also made use of the flask package (send_file) to be able to export the CSV file to the user’s computer. After Python, I decided on taking up a short Javascript courseIn my Javascript course, I was able to clone a simple Chrome application called Momentum which basically provides basic functions for productivity such as the showing current time (in HH:MI:SS), providing an interactive to-do list, retrieving the current coordinates of the user, changing the background image everything the user refreshes the page, and remembering the users to-do’s and username through using
localStorage functions. Even though my Javascript course was short, I definitely picked up quite a lot of things and the fact that I studied Python first definitely gave me an easier time reading Javascript code. I recently started a new course having a more in-depth learning session with Python, HTML and CSS; and, also learning how to use Django and Tailwind.

Note: Even though I have already finished my KakaoTalk Clone, I will still update it and keep on improving the code based on the new things that I learn everyday.

Starting today I will update you about what I learned from the current course that I am taking up.

Stay tuned and keep programming!



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